
About Me

My name is Carl, and I’m a carb-aholic.
If I were to commit some heinous crime, a suitable punishment would be to have all carbs taken away from me for the rest of my life.  I can’t go a single meal without carbs. 
Carbohydrate is an offensive term to a lot of people these days.  Not me.
I am more than a foodie.  I’m a carbie.
I also have to believe there are more people out there like me, people who love to eat what we want, no matter what the latest diet craze says.  I know at least one – my beautiful wife, who shares my passion for tasty food and is also my constant reminder to control portions.
I do try to stay healthy and want to live as long as possible, but I don’t waste time worrying about what is going to make me look fat.  Nothing is off limits in my diet – in moderation.  Life is a short ride, and it’s worth living to the full extent.
That’s why I have dedicated some of my spare time to this blog.  I am writer by trade, among other things, but I also enjoy writing for fun.  So this blog combines two of my favorite things in life: Food and writing. 
I hope you enjoy it and welcome your comments and feedback.
Thanks for looking.